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Stamford Car Accident Causes

Last updated Tuesday, November 21st, 2023

Stamford Car Accident Causes

Car accidents can turn entire lives upside down and can cause victims physical pain, emotional distress, and financial hardship. While there can be many causes of vehicle accidents in Stamford, CT, including environmental conditions or vehicle defects, most crashes happen due to negligent or careless drivers.

If you suffered injuries and financial losses due to an accident that happened as the result of someone else’s negligence in Stamford, you could have legal recourse and recover compensation for your damages.

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Damages could potentially include compensation for losses such as:

  • All medical expenses
  • Income loss and future income losses
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress
  • Loss of life enjoyment

Depending on the extent of your injuries and the facts of your accident, you could collect other types of damages. However, time is of the essence. Contact Wocl Leydon, LLC now for a free consultation with a Stamford car accident lawyer.

What Causes Car Accidents in Stamford, CT?

Some of the most common causes of car accidents in Stamford relate to driver error, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Common examples of negligent driving include:

  • Speeding 
  • Drinking and driving
  • Driving while distracted 
  • Drowsy driving
  • Changing lanes when unsafe to do so
  • Failure to stop for a traffic control device
  • Failure to yield right of way
  • Following too closely
  • Road rage
  • Vehicle defects
  • Weather conditions
  • Tire blowouts

While driver negligence and reckless driving are undoubtedly the leading cause of car accidents in Stamford, CT, there can be other reasons for car crashes. Occasionally, a car manufacturer or governmental agency can be responsible for a victim’s damages.

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What to Do If You Have Been Hurt in a Crash

If you suffered injuries and financial damages in a crash in Stamford, CT, your first priorities should be your health and protecting your legal rights. At the accident scene, you should stay put, call the police, and wait until emergency medical care and law enforcement arrive.

It is important to note that in Connecticut, even accidents with only minor damage should be reported to the police. You should also exchange contact information and insurance details with all the drivers involved in the accident and get the contact details for any witnesses.

What you do in the days following the accident can be just as important for protecting your rights. This should include the following steps:

  • Seek medical advice and follow it. If you did not receive emergency treatment on the scene, see a doctor as soon as possible, especially if you have symptoms such as headaches and neck pain. A common accident injury such as a traumatic brain injury, for instance, can take days or weeks to develop. Having a medical professional assess and note your injuries in a report will also provide you with excellent evidence for your damages should you later need to hold the negligent party to account.
  • Seek legal advice from an experienced Stamford auto accident lawyer. Your next step after visiting a doctor should be to talk to an experienced Stamford car accident attorney at Wocl Leydon, LLC as soon as possible. Our attorneys are ready to protect your legal rights and fight for the compensation you need and deserve after a devastating car accident.

Do not wait too long to initiate legal action in Stamford, especially if you have suffered serious injuries and may have already spent months in recovery. You generally have only two short years to file a lawsuit in Connecticut, according to the General Statutes of Connecticut 52-584. Collecting the crucial evidence for proving your case and your damages can be a time-sensitive matter. Evidence could potentially disappear and eyewitnesses may forget crucial details or even move away.

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How a Stamford, CT Car Accident Attorney Can Help

We understand that car accident victims, especially if they suffer from catastrophic and life-changing injuries, have a lot on their plate and a lot on their mind. Negotiating endlessly with insurance companies or having to file a lawsuit can take its toll and potentially cause exhaustion and overwhelm a victim.

You do not have to go through a potentially complicated lawsuit on your own. An experienced Stamford car accident attorney can help you with seeking justice and compensation in a number of important ways, including:

  • Analyzing the facts of your accident comprehensively
  • Determining all negligent parties in your claim
  • Assessing the full extent of your losses and damages
  • Gathering and organizing evidence to prove your claim
  • Hiring expert witnesses to strengthen your case
  • Conducting settlement negotiations with insurance companies
  • Taking your case to trial and representing you aggressively

Contact a Stamford, CT Car Accident Lawyer Today

The experienced car accident attorneys at Wocl Leydon understand the issues that car accident victims face and can help you pursue compensation after a car accident in Stamford or elsewhere in Connecticut.

We take the time to listen to your concerns and answer your questions. Contact us now to determine whether you have a case and could recover compensation.

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